Routes with tollways can increase the cost of operating a fleet if vehicles aren’t optimized for electronic tolling. Fleet toll management programs streamline the driver’s experience, simplify administrative tasks, and reduce toll expenses by up to fifty percent.

Proactive fleet toll plan management.
Manage tolls on all your vehicles through one easy system. Mike Albert’s electronic toll payment solution provides your fleet with centralized controls, reporting, and payment processing.
Increase productivity
Allow your drivers to utilize the high-speed cashless toll lane, reducing travel time. Optimize routes with insight gained from toll data through automated reporting.
Reduce violation risks
Automated fulfillment eliminates most, if not all, toll violations and penalties due to toll authority errors you might otherwise miss.
Streamline administration
Consolidate your toll accounts into one centralized program. Eliminate individual toll expense reporting and monitoring.
How does a fleet toll management plan work?
Your fleet vehicles’ plates are enrolled with participating toll authorities via our tolling network and provider. Upon enrollment, drivers receive welcome kits with any necessary equipment, instructions, and information in accordance with the rules and regulations of the tolling authorities in the location(s) in which they operate.
Once the equipment is installed, drivers may begin using electronic tolls on any cashless tollway where coverage is available. Then, you can pay all toll expenses on one consolidated bill.

Toll servicing for all with TollGuard.
Designed to ensure all Mike Albert clients can prevent toll violations and their expensive consequences, TollGuard is automatically included for all vehicles managed by Mike Albert. TollGuard provides centralized billing for electronically processed tolls. Though TollGuard offers clients some cost and efficiency savings, Toll Management is still recommended for fleets with higher toll volumes and those seeking maximum savings.
Learn how Mike Albert has helped their clients take control of toll costs.
When our client was suddenly tasked with handling the toll expenses of 200+ vehicles, he didn’t know where to turn. In need of a toll management company, he consulted Mike Albert Fleet Solutions for help.

This article explains how.
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